sabine scholl queer proceedings-constructing story/ies.
crafting together short prose from a text by hermann melville.

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a piece taken from "mobydick" will serve as a model example, a confrontation
with the stranger
the writer can use the model example for support, utilize it as his/her own,
to develop within the model or to distance themselves from it. he/she can
take the example apart, re-form it, semantic, phonetic, visually change it.
he/she can translate the example, put it into a differnet language, a
different system.

steps to working the text
1. read (the text)
2. silence
3. remember
4. collect
5. disassemble
6. paste
7. smooth
8. read (the new text)
9. silence
10. repeat from the beginning

the truth is, that with every step I take into a strange world, I slip into
the skin of a stranger and allow myself to feel at home there (leo perutz)

the future is already set, only the past can be changed. (pat cadigan)

you sabee me, I sabee you-(hermann melville)

additional recommendations: Julia Kristeva "we are strangers ourselves"


herman melville: moby dick. chapter 3: 'the spouter-inn'.

order moby dick:

amazon.de: ( english reissue edition )
amazon.com: ( german reissue edition )

read moby dick online: http://wiretap.spies.com/ftp.items/Library/Classic/mobydick.txt